List of upcoming Topics for November 2020 We asked and you answered! We are in the process building a list of these amazing topics that you all selected during our Instagram Survey. We here at Ladies and Lemons are passionate about delivering quality content and we want you to stick around and get updated when …
Staying Dry this Summer
I know I know …. This summer there are far more important things to worry about than boob sweat. But…….we have to admit that boob sweat really exists and it’s here to stay. As a quite busty gal myself I have found some great items to use for help. Through the course of my personal trial …
What Does My Therapist really think of me?
(Mini Read Series) What does your therapist really think of you!? Many times before you consider seeing a therapist you might begin to feel a little skeptical because you are not sure if you want to go to therapy. You might think if i see this therapist, they are going to think i’m bat S*&% …
Stop Overthinking
Overthinking is linked to psychological problems, like depression and anxiety. It’s likely that overthinking causes mental health to decline and as your mental health declines, the more likely you are to overthink. Overthinking, does not necessarily mean that you have a mental health diagnosis. However, it can mean that your process things differently than most people. Overthinking can be linked to anxiety and …